Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Workout

A. clean and jerk - 20 min tech work
(work on what you need most - volume at loads, TnG, set up and jerk position, foot position, etc...)
B1. Thruster TnG x 10; rest 60 sec - add per set - NO pauses!
B2. Wtd Pronated Grip Chin Ups @ 21X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 3 min
C1. DB walking lunges - 10 tough steps total; rest 10 sec
C2. AMRAP Dips strict unweighted in 2 min; rest 1 min x 3

A - DNS. I'm going to an o-lifting class again tomorrow to prep for Integrity's Revenge next weekend and will get some work in there.
B1 #65/#75/#85 - should have started a little heavier, but 85 was about right to finish
B2 #20(3)/#20(3)/#28(2)
C1 #40lb dumbbells for all - Unbroken but slow
C2 22, 21, 20 reps no kipping

Volunteered to judge at the 'Ultimate Raid' today. I had a really great time doing that after getting over my initial nerves. It's awesome to watch other people suffer sometimes. I do hope this one is not so close to Integrity's Revenge next year so I can do it though. I would have liked to represent my home gym on their own court. Also, there were only 5 women in the Rx and I totally could have won a prize...!


  1. Nice F--king dips, gun show!

    Looks like a good day of just plain hard work. I like those days best, don't you?

  2. Yep!! Could only be better with a training buddy that has good taste in music.
