Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Workout

A. squat clean x 4/push press x 1; rest 90 sec b/t sets x 4
B. squat clean cluster - x 5; rest 2 min - 10 sec b/t reps
C1. standing press @ 12X1; 4-5 x 4; rest 2 min
C2. rope ascent - 20' x 2/set x 4 sets; rest 2 min
D. AMRAP DU's in 10 min - when you fraction perform 5 T2B

A. 85/95/105/115 <--- thought i went too light but the last push press was tough, all  squat cleans were touch n go
B.  125/135/145/155 <--- Pushed myself and missed the very last squat clean of the 155 cluster
C1. 85 for all 5,4,4,4 reps
C2. Subbef 4 x 10' rope climbs coming from laying flat on the ground up to touching the top of my pullup rig.
D. 297 with 35 TTBs. Really wanted 300 so of course I tripped in the last 15 seconds...pretty happy that I was consistently stringing together 45-55 reps though. I only actually 'tripped' twice. The rest of the sets I got tired and stopped.

Videos of squat clean clusters to come...

Couldn't get the #145 set to link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5h_jJlVx1w 


  1. Good work. Check your camera angle again when filming. In the 135 set, rep #3 was MONEY.
    I saw a few very minor things that we can address, but not going into a comp. We'll work on it a little when you're back.
    Overall, very good. Nice looking reps on good loads.

  2. I didn't realize the #155 set actually stopped recording. And I will definitely improve that camera angle. Kinda did this one on the fly.
