Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Workout

Made up the Sunday workout this morning. Didn't want to sub Airdyne yesterday and since I had been traveling I decided to just do some stretching and take an extra rest day.

Diet report: Definitely had some treats this weekend. Italian food. All the meat was breaded. I got a tummy ache. Oh well, had fun! Ate some trader joe's honey mints yesterday but was otherwise good. Back on track for the week with viking hash and treated myself to some hummus for my greek dinner.

As far as the 4 weeks of low carb goes, here's what I think...I lost a total of 4lbs, all in the first 2 weeks. Most of this was probably water, but I did see a significant reduction in the 'pooch' on my lower abs and a little more definition along the sides of my stomach just like last time. However, despite doing a much better job on this 4 weeks, I don't think I gained anything more. I guess now I know how to do a 2 week trim up for beach season, and I know a bit more about PWO fueling, but I still don't feel like this achieved the intent which was to make my 'strength to bodyweight ratio' better. I think I just need to get stronger.

Row 5k: Time Trial
Actual time: 22:00.4
Adjusted time: 19:04:26.7 @ 142lbs
Felt good this morning. Found a good pace at 2:12/500m about 24spm and kicked it into high gear for the last 500. I did not have a previous 5k row time to compare to.


  1. I think the other takeaway, and a significant one, is lifestyle.
    Managing stress, not drinking to excess and making bad decisions, and then saying "Oh, I'm so stressed out."
    Good choices extend to making treats worthwhile, but also knowing when a treat is a good idea or not. You're not a German Shepard, don't use food as a reward.

  2. I've had some time to reflect on this a little more.
    You ARE getting stronger, there is just no question about it. I know why James gave you this prescription a little better now, and it makes total sense.
    As much mental as physiological. If you want o try doing this periodically before competition, I think it's a great idea. It's wont be a magic bullet that will make you a size smaller and increase your squat by 20#, but it can be helpful. I think that leading into the opens, starting a 4 week cycle like this one, 7 weeks before the opens could be a good idea.
