Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday, Mar 5th

Yesterday morning I had about 8 deer in my front yard. I hung out and watched them through the windows for a few minutes as they trimmed my hedges...sometimes you just have to stand back and enjoy nature and not worry about being late to work!

A. TnG power snatch; 3 reps on the min for 10 min (50-65% 1rm)
B. Bench press; build to a 3rm in 3 attempts
90 seconds max reps power clean and jerk 135/95#
rest 30 seconds
90 seconds max reps hand release burpees
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds max calories airdyne

A. #73 for all 10 mins. Felt good.
B. 145lbs - big PR. My 1RM bench press is 155
15 PC+Jerks
25 HR Burpees
?? - AD decided not to count my cals

Added some static holds at the top of chest-to-bar (or as close as I could get to it) afterwards. Trying to get stronger in that 'hole'...

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